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Product Reviews

Product reviews in the Walser Online Shop

We manually check all the reviews

We send our customers an e-mail with a link to the product review form for the purchased product within a reasonable period of time after the merchandise has shipped. In these forms, we ask our customers to share their experiences with this product with other customers.
Afterwards, we manually check these product reviews according to specific criteria. By doing so, we ensure that the reviews meet the guidelines for product reviews and that they are “real” (i.e. not fake reviews).
At this point, reviews that are unrelated to the product are not published. In other words, a review that, for instance, complains about long delivery times by DHL is not published. Reviews that do not pass the evaluation are deleted.

Personal experiences count

You can also provide product reviews on your own – even without an invitation link. In these reviews, we cannot verify where the product was originally purchased. Since our products are also available in retail stores, we cannot fully guarantee the veracity of these reviews in such cases.
Ultimately, our product reviews enable a good to very good evaluation of the practicality of the product in question.

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